1rst day of the panel: Best Practices And Lessons Learnt From The Work In The Area Of Expertise For Managing Floods
Category: News
ICOMOS, ICA, IFLA and ICOM statement on the situation of cultural heritage in the Nagorno Karabakh region
ICOMOS, ICA, IFLA and ICOM have issued a Statement on November 20 regarding the situation of cultural heritage in the Nagorno Karabakh region, following the ceasefire agreement that was implemented in the Nagorno-Karabakh region on November 10, to call all parties involved to proactively ensure full respect and protection of all the cultural heritage in the concerned areas.
Download and read the full statement of ICOMOS, ICA, IFLA and ICOM.

ICOMOS and ICOM Joint Statement on the threats to cultural heritage in case of armed conflict
ICOM and ICOMOS jointly and strongly condemn any deliberate destruction of cultural heritage
In armed conflicts and political upheavals since the turn of the millennium, cultural heritage has been increasingly targeted. It has been looted or deliberately destroyed, in order to finance warfare or to affect the identity and the confidence of adversaries. Museums as well as cultural sites are affected in many countries around the world.
The International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), as representatives of the heritage community in the world, are very much concerned about this evolution and in particular recent developments. ICOM and ICOMOS remind all parties of armed conflicts of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
Icorp On the Road First Episode; ’Reconnecting the Sacred Valley Kathmandu’ trailer is on air.
ICORP – the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk
Preparedness – is proud to launch its “On the Road” Initiative – which will showcase inspiring stories by professionals and local communities from around the world about post-disaster response and recovery of cultural heritage through Documentaries and Exhibitions. Continue reading “Icorp On the Road First Episode; ’Reconnecting the Sacred Valley Kathmandu’ trailer is on air.”
International training course on disaster risk management of cultural heritage 2018

Help ICOMOS remain an open non-political cultural heritage forum
In January 2017, ICOMOS was awarded a generous grant of 80 000 € by the Getty Foundation for our General Assembly taking place this December in Delhi. This international gathering is one of the most important in the heritage conservation field and under our policy of non-political involvement and non-discrimination, the meeting is open to all.
Recently, the Getty Foundation suddenly informed ICOMOS that for unforeseen reasons related to compliance with U.S. sanctions regulations, and through no fault whatsoever of ICOMOS, it would have to revoke the grant because of the participation at the General Assembly of one of our members, a young Syrian architect, teaching part-time at a Syrian state-funded university.
Continue reading “Help ICOMOS remain an open non-political cultural heritage forum”
19th ICOMOS General Assembly 2017
This year, the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will take place in Delhi on the invitation of ICOMOS India from 11-15 December 2017 (General Assembly and Scientific Symposium) with Pre-Meetings held 8-10 December and Post-Meetings and Events from 16-17 December.
ICOMOS salutes the exemplary work led by Prof. Maamoun Abdulkarim in favor of Syrian heritage
ICOMOS joins the cultural heritage conservation community in praising the exemplary work led by Professor Maamoun Abdulkarim during his tenure, which he concludes today, as Director General of Antiquities and Museums in Syria.